Hello all! I do believe my questions have yet to be touched upon but apologize if i just missed a comment in this section.
1. I am currently attempting to use option 2 Prescriptive method and am curious if anyone has been able to submit different "work heights" for their calculations? As our rooms are mostly used by toddlers, infants and teachers working and sitting on the floor, it seems 30" is too high of work height. Has anyone made a similar argument and it has been accepted by LEED?
2. This idea of the bay floor area slightly confuses me. Looking at the LEEDuser sample, it seems that through sort of arbitrary denotations of space, one can determine what windows light where and then these areas can be adjusted to have a compliant square footage and an uncompliant square footage. This is better than the all or nothing i was initially using to calculate each room but i'm still not sure this would apply to smaller classrooms that are only 600sq ft? I guess i dont see why not, just that it will be extremely time consuming to do this for each classroom.
3. In our design we use a lot of borrowed light through other spaces with interior windows. How would the VLT be calculated for that?

Thanks so much for any information,
The DW Arthur Team