Hi, first time user here.
1) Product in question is expanded polysterene. Final Fabrication location is 15 kilometers from project site. Styrene production is 170 km away. 10% of the materials is preconsumer sourced. I do not have raw material source distance. Can I consider the pre consumer 10% as a raw material and consider that 10% as Regionnaly sourced?
2) The styrene location 170km from project site should not be considered in mrc5 as it is not a primary raw material source. Is this correct?
Many thanks
Debra a. Lombard
Construction Administrator/ LEED APBywater Woodworks, Inc.
47 thumbs up
October 11, 2017 - 1:30 pm
i've seen info I believe from GBCI that extraction location for recycled content portion of a material is where that recycled content was collected.
I think I have more info saved on that & can email it to you. Email me at bywater.debra16@gmail.com