As part of the requirements for this pilot credit, we are noting our participation in the Forum.

One of the questions listed asks about the number of meetings (i.e. 6 required) and thoughts on appropriateness and effectiveness.

In our experience, it is project dependent. For our project, which is a new certification, our performance period is 3 months. Having 6 meetings in this timeframe is not appropriate or effective. However, during those 3 months, and during the 2 months between the end of the PP and the "push the button" date, the team has maintained daily correspondence as information is flowing back and forth between us as the LEED Admin and the Owner.

While 6 in-person / face to face meetings would not be conducive for a 3 month PP, 2 meetings (kick-off and progress) would be sufficient as long as the team commits to daily and ongoing correspondence.