If you have been scratching your head over Table 1 in the Reference Guide (p. 483 of the 2009 edition), you're not the only one. This is a table copied almost entirely verbatim from the SCAQMD Rule 1113 document. Unfortunately, it is my opinion that some of the language is not directly relevant to LEED 2009, and this extra language is leading to much confusion. Here are a few of my creative interpretations. If you have additional clarifications on this topic, please share them with the group.
1. LEED references GS-11 for paints applied to interior walls and ceilings. It references SCAQMD for other coatings, not paints. However, SCAQMD as a whole also addresses paints -- and since the USGBC just blindly copied the SCAQMD table, it includes paint standards that theoretically shouldn't be relevant at all.
2. Similarly, this chart includes exterior paints and coatings that are not covered under LEED, such as "roof coatings". We can ignore these for LEED, though from an environmental perspective it is of course always better to do what we can. (An ID credit, perhaps?)
3. The "effective date" section of the chart clearly makes no sense for LEED 2009, because all of the dates listed had passed when the ref guide was published. Again, the USGBC just copied the table straight from the SCAQMD document without any analysis or discussion. Interestingly, the '*' note for "ceiling limit" in the original SCAQMD document (link posted at the top of p.483) is longer: "The specified limits remain in effect unless revised limits are listed in subsequent columns in the Table of Standards." This is much more clear about the fact that we should be following anything listed under the "effective date" columns.
4. The "current limit" column is specific to a certain time when this version of the SCAQMD was posted, and can presumably be ignored for LEED 2009.
Given this, I think we should 1) ignore Table 1 for paints and exterior items, and 2) follow the most current numbers listed under "effective date", where applicable.
There are several errata for this credit, but as of 2/8/10 none address this issue.
Karen Stewart
President, LEED APEcoPotential
56 thumbs up
March 24, 2010 - 7:03 pm
I agree the table is confusing. Have you contacted anyone at USGBC or SCAQMD to back up your comments above? On point #3, doesn't the "effective date" correspond with the date listed in the LEED standard reference guide, under the credit requirements: GS-11 is May 20, 19993, GC-03 is January 7, 1997, and SCAQMD Rule 1113 is January 1, 2004?
Sonrisa Lucero
Owner / Energy Engineer / Sustainability ConsultantSustainnovations, LLC
138 thumbs up
April 13, 2010 - 1:06 pm
I have asked our Certifying Body for clarification on this issue. The response was that only the standards in effect as of January 1, 2004 apply for the SCAQMD table. So, when reading that table, the most stringent limit in the first four columns, only, applies.
Text from my email to SRI, the Certification Body:
"How do I read the chart on page 483 of the LEED 3.0 Reference Guide? Do I use the VOC level with the most recent Effective Date? Or do we use the current limit? Or do we use the value for 1/1/04 which is the SCAQMD rule date?"
"The LEED for Green Building and Design Rating System (Page 481 in the Reference Guide) states that "..... SCAQMD Rule 113, Architectural Coatings, rules in effect on January 1, 2004. Please look into registering for LEEDUser (LEEDUser.com) where there are dicsussion forums that address inquiries such as yours."
--Funny, I end up posting the answer to this question in LEEDUser with her answer.
Erica Downs
LEED ConsultantThe Green Engineer
254 thumbs up
August 20, 2010 - 5:30 pm
Hi all - since USGBC doesn't make it obvious when they've posted addenda items, thought I would let you know that as of 4/14/2010, the SCAQMD table on page 483 has been replaced with a table titled "Table 1. IEQc4.2 Applicable VOC Limits" that summarizes the applicable limits from each of the three reference standards. Hope that helps! Sorry if you already knew.
Mara Baum
Partner, Architecture & SustainabilityDIALOG
674 thumbs up
August 23, 2010 - 12:47 pm
Hi Erica - thanks for the post. It's a good reminder to all of us to check the addenda regularly; the USGBC is posting regular updates to all credits, and especially this one. Current addenda (August 2010) can be found at http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=6392 -- the table is on p.34.
As a side note, LEED User folks have been sending major issues/oversights -- including this one! -- to the USGBC, so please keep posting questions. Your LEED User question could end up answered in the next LEED addendum.
To summarize the table:
Interior Flat Coating or Primer, 50 g/L
Interior Non-Flat Coating or Primer, 150 g/L
Anti-Corrosive/ Anti-Rust Paint, 250 g/L
Clear Wood Finish: Lacquer, 550 g/L
Clear Wood Finish: Sanding Sealer, 350 g/L
Clear Wood Finish: Varnish, 350 g/L
Clear Brushing Lacquer, 680 g/L
Floor Coatings, 100 g/L
Sealers and Undercoaters, 200 g/L
Shellac: Clear, 730 g/L
Shellac: Pigmented, 550 g/L
Stain, 250 g/L
Concrete Curing Compounds, 350 g/L
Japans/ Faux Finishing Coatings, 350 g/L
Magnesite Cement Coatings, 450 g/L
Pigmented Lacquer, 550 g/L
Waterproofing Sealers, 250 g/L
Waterproofing Concrete/ Masonry Sealers, 400 g/L
Wood Preservatives, 350 g/L
Low-Solids Coatings, 120 g/L