Building product disclosure and optimization - environmental product declarations
Option 1. environmental products,
Use at least 20 different permanently installed products sourced from at least five different manufacturers that meet one of the disclosure criteria below.
1. Are workstations regarded as permanently installed products?
2. Is all furniture, new and installed with the construction of the project, regarded as permanently installed products?
Thank you!
Ashwini Arun
Senior Sustainability ManagerWSP
LEEDuser Expert
61 thumbs up
October 23, 2018 - 12:36 pm
All Furniture items within the project's scope of work, including workstations, are required to be included in all MR credit calculations.
For more information regarding products that should be included and exemptions, please refer to the MR Overview, "Qualifying Products and Exclusions" section in the reference guide.
Landis Wilson
1 thumbs up
February 20, 2020 - 12:41 pm
I do not consider myself an expert in MR discussion, being part of MEP contractors, but I believe all furniture items are not required to be included. The v4 reference guide, under MR overview -> Qualifying products and exclusions, states that furniture is not required to be included in credit calculations. However, if it's included the cost calculations must be consistent.
I simply wanted to share what I understand so far, and would like to hear you're take on it.
David Posada
Integrated Design & LEED SpecialistSERA Architects
LEEDuser Expert
1981 thumbs up
February 21, 2020 - 7:03 pm
Since Ashwini's post is from 2018, I'll jump in here. There's a subtle difference between the BD&C and the ID&C versions of this credit.
The BD&C Reference Guide/ Credit Library says: "Furniture is not considered permanently installed and is not required to be included in the credit. However, furniture as well as other optional MEP products may be included, provided they are also included in the other two cost-based credits...."
Whereas the ID&C Reference Guide says: "The required scope of this credit is permanently installed building products and furniture within the project scope of work, excluding mechanical, plumbing, electrical (MEP), and specialty equipment and items purchased for temporary use on the project. However, optional MEP products may be included, provided they are also included in the other two cost-based credits...."
In tenant improvements/ interior fit-outs, furniture is typically a larger portion of the budget and is more likely to be included in the scope of work than in a BD&C project, so that's been the rationale for the different requirement.
Landis Wilson
1 thumbs up
February 21, 2020 - 7:07 pm
I should have double checked the ID+C. Thank you very much!!