For performing testing under Option 2 (IAQ Testing), for a singular space above 25,000 sf served by several similar AHU systems, could it be acceptable using the “1/25,000 SF or each contiguous area whichever is larger" method to quantify number of samples?
Or should we consider one sample for each AHU system?
Tom Nichols
LEED AP (O+M)4 Elements Group
45 thumbs up
May 19, 2014 - 7:17 pm
Our experience with Option 2, IAQ testing, is you must default to testing the total # of AHU zones, assuming they all provide supply air to separate zones.
Otherwise you would have a hard time explaining how you tested all supply air zones byusing the 25,000 sf criteria.
Adriana Hansen
ManagerCTE - Centro de Tecnologia de Edificações
118 thumbs up
May 20, 2014 - 8:54 am
Thank you very much for your fast response, Mr. Nichols.
In my specific project, the area of the space described above is around 82,000 sf (single zone without partition walls)being served for 20 AHU systems.
Do you think I need to take 20 samples in this space?
Thanks again
Tom Nichols
LEED AP (O+M)4 Elements Group
45 thumbs up
May 20, 2014 - 12:44 pm
yes, It seems excessive to test 20 areas. Do each of the 20 AHU supply air to 20 individual zones?
A CIR is always an option. I believe you will need to be able to make a case that you are testing the entire space using the default (contiguous floor, 25,000sf, individual supply air unit/zone) as your guide to determine the total # of areas.
Sorry I can't be more helpful without knowing the specifics of your mechanical system.