
We've been asked by the reviewer to complete and submit the following table: https://www.usgbc.org/resources/performance-periods-table-v2009

What is the performance period in those credit where calculations have been made to demonstrate compliance or where only the signing of the policy is required? For instance:

-SSc5, SSc6, SSc7.1 and SSc7.2, WEp1, WEc3: Credits is demonstrated through calculations. What is the performance period we are supposed to state?

-MRc6. The waste stream audit must be PERFORMED within the 3 months of the shown performance period?

-IEQc2.1. The Green Cleaning policy must be SIGNED within the 3 months of the shown performance period?

-IEQp3. The Green Cleaning policy must be SIGNED within the 3 months of the shown performance period?

Has anyone wondered the same...?
