HI Everyone,
I am working on a LEED-NC v2.2 project which is small but has three technologies that reduce peak demand which is critical here in Connecticut.
My question is how to calculate that % reduction in peak demand to go for an Innovation-In-Design credit for Peak DEmand Reduction NOT demand response as seen in Pilot Credit 8.
I feel that the Calculation should be as follows:
We will calculate the average hourly electricity demand reduction for each energy system (PV, Solatubes, mchp) by month to get a Total average hourly electricity demand reduction by month, TAHEDR per month. This electrical demand reduction will then be compared to the Total avg. hourly Electric use per month, TAHEU per Month that the energy model indicates the Budget Building would be using to get a percent savings in electrical demand over the budget case.
The Total annual demand savings is the Sum of this ratio below done for each month x100%
Design TAHEDR per Month
Budget TAHEU per Month
Anyone feel otherwise or agree?
please let me know.
Thank you very much!
Debra Lombard, LEED AP, EMIT, EIT
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