We are trying to determine how best to treat a pathway that extends beyond our LEED project boundary. The lighted pathway connects to the site of a future parking lot that will serve other (future) facilities. Approx. 1/10th of the lighted pathway is within our LEED project boundary, while 9/10ths of the path extends beyond the boundary as a long winding appendage that connects to the future lot.
The entire scope (current and future) is on the owner's property. As such, CIR 10236 allows us to extend the "Lighting boundary" beyond the LEED project boundary. However, if we extend the lighting boundary to include this path, it raises the question of whether the path itself (and the associated grading) should be included in the initial LEED project boundary.
If grading for the path is necessary to install the lighting, then will we be expected to adjust the LEED project boundary to include this work, even though it's an appendage that serves the future parking lot?
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