Dear All,
Our project consists of a retail mall, with an adjacent parking building (same height). The roof of the mall is almost on the same level as the roof of the parking building.
For LEED SSc7.1 (Heat Island Effect: Non-roof), the majority of parking spaces (~80%) are located underground, hence they can achieve 1 point for SSc7.1
Regarding LEED SSc7.2 (Heat Island Effect: Roof), can you please confirm that the topmost floor of the parking building (which only hosts car parking spaces) is excluded from the calculations of SSc7.2 - because it had already been counted in SSc7.1?
Many thanks!
Abdulrahman Sherazy
LEED AP bd+c - Sr. ArchitectMidrar Development Management
21 thumbs up
February 1, 2013 - 2:00 am
I believe that both credits are independent and all buildings' roofs must be included in the calculation of SSc7.2. In addition, what I see is that the topmost floor was not counted in SSc7.1. It is located in the 20% of parking spaces that is not underground and non compliant with SSc7.1 requirements, otherwise, the roof would have an SRI of at least 29 according to SSc7.1 Option 2 Requirements.
Nelina Loiselle
Above Green239 thumbs up
January 28, 2014 - 1:50 pm
Can anyone confirm if we need to count the top deck of a parking structure that is within the LEED boundary?
Kathryn West
LEED AP BD+C, O+M, Green Globes ProfessionalJLL
154 thumbs up
January 28, 2014 - 1:57 pm
Don't think you need to. The definition of a roof is "the area of the uppermost surface of the building which covers enclosed Gross Floor Area." I'm assuming your parking structure is not covering fully enclosed gross floor area.Is that the case?
Parking structures seem to be addressed under the heat island effect:non-roof credit.