I am currently working on the primary field office for the Eagle Ford field in Texas. This facility will be the headquarters for all activities within this field plus will serve as an operation center for offshore and Houston Operations if Houston has to be evacuated because of a hurricane. This facility will be located 1 1/2 hours southeast of San Antonio, Texas, just outside of a very small town without any public transportation whatsoever.
The Main headquarters for this company is located in Houston approximately 3 hour drive from the project site. Once this facility is up and running there will be a steady flow of employees and others traveling from Houston to the site and back each week. To facilitate the transport of these employees, contractors and visitors to the site a bus transit system will be established to this site, similar to those at the other owners facilities. It is planned to have a 50 passenger bus for this route. It has been estimated that Monday and Friday routes will carry approximately 30 or more passengers. This bus will travel between the site each and every day moving people, mail and supplies.
So my question, this Owner owned bus system will transport many employees, customers, contractors and visitors between these sites each day thus reducing the number of cars traveling back and forth this 3 hour drive, reducing emissions, fuel consumption, and improved safety for these individuals. Can this option be used as an alternative solution for the SSc4.1 - Alternative Transportation and is there anything I need to be aware of applying for this credit? Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks