As we have 203,000 sqm site area within LEED boundary, with a majority of impervious roof, non-roof driveways, walkways, and landscape areas, basements extend on 100% of site area. We want to achieve 3 points under the mentioned credit option2.

Kindly we want your guidance for the following questions to secure the credit requirement for maximum achievable points.

**1-Percentile storm event:** Can we chose 90th percentile since It's the threshold for 3 points for v4.1, in another word, to achieve 3 points under option 2; Which percentile will we select for the value of "Percentile rainfall depth (mm)" 95th or 90th? so we can use in the calculating for volume to be retained/ collected & reused on-site? (Attachment 1)

**2-LID/GI Documentation **

Adopting LID Design practices: rainwater harvesting/capture and reuse to maintain or restore natural hydrology. There is around **8000 m3** capture capacity, as 6 tanks located in basement2. designed based on 98th percentile (Attachments 2)

Question: Which of the following "water reuse criteria" (A/B/C/D) can be acceptable safely for reviewer to achieve 3 points under credit requirements, So we use collected rainwater in:

A -DCP Cooling tower make up water, which has enormous high demand. **3000 m3/day**

B- Water features such as many of fountains and large basins, terrace swimming pool. As evaporation. Rain Fountains!

C- Exterior Irrigation (attachment 2)

D- Interior Irrigation.

As we have large landscape areas within each entrance with around with **400 m3/day** water demand.

We are in project stage where we can do design change during construction to achieve LEED compliance, your guidance & feedback is very critical to us.