If our LEED project building is a laboratory space are we required to use Labs21 as our benchmark? I know it's probably the preferred method, but is it possible to use other alternative methods? We would prefer to use Case 2 Option 2b because our lab has made great strides in energy use reductions in the last several years after implementing many efficiency measures, so comparing our current EUI to our historical EUIs is favorable for our situation. If not... then a follow-up question: the Labs21 benchmarking tool seems to have a very narrow peer group for our parameters and it does not seem fair to compare our lab to such a small group of peers and conclude that we are not far enough above the average. Is it possible to broaden our parameters and include other climate zones or other variable to broaden our peer group so that the average seems more like an average? Any other tips for Labs21 are appreciated. The tool is so cumbersome (every time we click back to the input values it's all blank and we have to start from scratch... very frustrating piece of software!). Thank you for your advice!!