We are following the option 2 ASHRAE AEDG presciptive path for a project. One of the AEDG requirements for HVAC is for a heat pump >135 kBtuh to be at minimum 10.1 EER or above. We have specified a 20 ton unit at 9.7 EER which does not meet the requirement.

However, we believe that the requirements are inconsistent with ASHRAE 90.1-2007, which the AEDG is supposedly based on. ASHRAE 90.1-2007 has their requirement for a heat pump >=240 kBtuh at 9.5 EER. This size category doesn't appear in the LEED requirements. Could we use the IEER rating instead because of this discrepancy? The IEER rating for our unit is 11.5 IEER. Please advise.