If a project pursues Option 2 - Waste Prevention is it required to track disposal and diversion rates of the project?
odd that GBCI would require % diversion info when waste per floor thresholds are met.
Forum discussion
NC-v4.1 MRc5: Construction and Demolition Waste Management
If a project pursues Option 2 - Waste Prevention is it required to track disposal and diversion rates of the project?
odd that GBCI would require % diversion info when waste per floor thresholds are met.
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Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
525 thumbs up
April 6, 2022 - 9:47 pm
I spoke with GBCI and it is still required to track disposal and diversion rates of the project if Option #2 is pursued.
Option #2 does not have a % diversion rate required, but nonetheless, it is still required to be included in the final waste report uploaded to LEED Online.
Hope this helps!