Hi all,
If I have 100 acres of site area, I need 30 acres (30% of 100 acres) open space and out of that, 25% of 30 acres which is 7.5 acres must be vegetated open space. Provided that the open space meets all other requirements, I can have
Option 1 - 22.5 acres of non-vegetated open space and 7.5 acres of vegetated open space
Option 2 - 30 acres of non-vegetated open space and 7.5 acres of vegetated open space.
I believe Option 1 is the correct approach at calculating even though option 2 would be acceptable. Is that right?
Thank you.
Olawale Taiwo
2 thumbs up
July 18, 2018 - 10:25 am
Hi Kavita, you are absolutely correct... Option 1 satisfies the requirement as the vegetated requirement is to be adopted within the 30% total Open space requirement (Accessible and Interactive). Option 2 is extra or an overkill but a welcome approach, if the scope of your project boundary and site requirements allows for it... It is fine as well. (No Exemplary performance or referenced standards for this credit; Basic calculations as provided only)
Afogreen Build
www.afogreenbuild.comGreen Building Consultant
246 thumbs up
August 25, 2023 - 8:32 am
Hi Kavita,
Yes, you are right Kavita. As states in LEED guide page 179 (example calculation in further explanation), the non-vegetated open space should be 22.5 acres (as the remaining of open space without vegetation).
Best regard – Afogreen Build Team