
We are applying for the v4 New Construction Thermal Comfort credit and will have manual controls (overriding automatic) of air temperatures within offices and shared spaces.

I have some question regarding the following:

Thermal comfort control

  • Provide individual thermal comfort controls for at least 50% of individual occupant spaces.
  • Provide group thermal comfort controls for all shared multioccupant spaces, and for any individual occupant spaces without individual controls.


  1. For individual space only single offices count with one occupant? Can we count a small offices with 2 occupants per space?
  2. Shared multioccupant spaces define which space category? Does open-plan office count as multioccupant space? How large can this space be? e.g. 6 to 100 occupants?
  3. If we apply for group controls than we also have to apply for "any individual occupant spaces without individual controls" which means 100% of individual spaces?
  4. When submitting the documentation for the credit we shall list the spaces and the controlled comfort parameter?

Thank you and best regards,