I am doing the calculations for the "daylight factor method" for Daylight and Views credit. It is an office floorplate that is roughly 150'x150' with an inner core. The perimeter is all open workstations and hugging the core are private offices and meeting rooms.

Can I include the inner meeting rooms/offices in the calculations given that they have glass demountable paritions? Referencing an earlier comment: "A good rule of thumb for daylighting and the LEED daylighting credit is that usable daylighting reaches back into a space about 1.5 - 2 times the head height of the window." from Jill makes me think that they would have a daylit area of 0 and a daylight factor of 0% considering daylight would never reach this deep into the floor plate.

Please advise if I presume these areas never receive daylight and score them a 0, or do I calculate based on the amount of glass that receivs views and maybe some daylighting from the exterior glazing.
