We are designing an open aircraft hangar in southern Alabama that will not have any HVAC equipment. How would we go about pursuing Optimize Energy Performance credits?
My initial thought is to create a whole building simulation model in Trace 700 modeling software as we typically do, model all the lighting and miscellaneous loads, then assign the hangar space to a heating only HVAC system with a schedule set so that it never operates (a system is required in Trace in order to run an energy analysis).
The only energy usage difference between our building and the 90.1-2010 baseline building will be lighting (since the building is naturally ventilated and will not be mechanically cooled or heated).
Alternatively, would USGBC allow energy usage to be calculated in a spreadsheet since constant lighting and miscellaneous loads will account for all energy loads?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
June 6, 2019 - 3:38 pm
That makes sense to me. I have not seen this done but it makes sense. I would submit a project team inquiry to ask GBCI.
Adam Fitzpatrick
1 thumbs up
June 7, 2019 - 12:05 pm
Alternatively, I could model the baseline as System 4 (nonresidential, <25,000ft) and, according to 90.1 Table G3.1 1.b., simulate my proposed building as heated and cooled even though no HVAC system will be installed. I will state my building temperature setpoints are near the outdoor design temperatures of ~24F winter and ~95F summer and infiltration alone will "condition" the space.
My dilemma is this: The hangar is unenclosed, and therefore not even a "space" per ASHRAE 90.1. If it's not a space, and doesn't have any HVAC, the building surely can't be considered "conditioned". If it's not conditioned, how could it meet minimum program requirements for LEED?
I would obviously like to be able to run an "energy analysis" on the building to take advantage of the lighting power reduction, if at all possible.