Dear Leed users,

We are doing a warehouse project in Spain. It seems that we have some problems to calculate correctly the occupancy for the Excel.

The building is divided in two parts; these parts are symmetric. Each part has two areas: warehouse and offices.
The problem is that one of the office is incomplete; the property decided that will do the interiors when it has a tenant.
And the incomplete space is a problem to calculate the occupancy for this credit.
We want to start to prepare the second design appeal, we think that the project can obtain all the points.
For this, we need to do that the reviewers require.

After final design review, we made the first appeal review. In there, it is clarificated, as they required, the daily average occupancy values for employees and visitors in both the complete and incomplete space following the table 1 of the Appendix 2 from LEED.
The results of occupancy for whole the building (complete and incomplete) are FTE=215 and Visitors=0 (warehouse, distribution).

The reviewers answered the following:
"For future submittals, identify the daily average visitor occupancy value for the incomplete space and separate the FTE and transient occupants".

Does somebody know how we must express this calculations to comply?
We belive that we don't understand the reviewer's need and FTE and transient occupants were not identified together.

Thank you.
Best regards,