I understand that occupancy calculations are to be consistent between all credits. For PIf3 Space Usage calculations, we used the default occupancies given by LEED in Appendix 2009. We proportionally distributed common areas, circulation, and mechanical spaces between the tenant spaces / occupancy types. Now that we are reviewing documentation for EAp2, I am not sure whether that was the correct interpretation of how to establish square footages for different occupancies. Perhaps owner controlled spanes should be given their own line in the table?

The reason I am stumped by this is because as it relates to M&V, to qualify for EAc5.2 without seperating out lightingc, HVAC and receptacles in tenant spaces, tenant occupancy overall needs to be less than 75% of the building. But per the process described above, where owner controlled spaces like shared hallways, bathrooms and lobbies were split out between tenant spaces, we exceed the 75% threshold. Can someone please clarify how to approach the Space Usage table within the form EAp2 - which I presume to be the basis for the 75% check. And why is this table is not linked directly with numbers enterred into the Space Usage table in form PIf2 if consistency is key? Again, it is my understanding that they need to be the same - but perhaps not? Thank you.