Other Standards are only accepted when prooven to be as stringent or more stringent than those given by LEED. Proving this already means that you have to check against 2 sets of standards, which practically means conforming to local standards and submitting LEED conformance documentations since you have to check it anyway and may as well submit with something the reviewers are familiar with.
There exists (to my knowledge) no USGBC approved list of equivical international standards...THERE SHOULD and there probably will in the future, but as of now we have to battle on without.
There are specific equivalences that are known to have passed through the review process for specific items such as filter classes for air handling units, but no laws have been set.
Complete code equivalency is unlikely, because different countries have different sets that don't overlap on the same scopes.
That would be like saying BREEAM is equivalent so LEED...they have several overlaps, but not everything.
A quick search in the Professionals Directory at www.gbci.org (https://ssl27.cyzap.net/gbcicertonline/onlinedirectory/) gave several results for Sweden (you could narrow the search further). I would advise a building engineer or MEP engineer as they are most affected by code compliance in LEED. I don't see anything exactly right, but try contact:
Maria Nordberg or Johanna Nordstrom at Skanska Sweden AB
You could register at gbci to send them a message or google for their contacts.
I would advise you contact these professionals as they would most likely have jumped through some of the loops before regarding code compliance and comparisons.
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