I’m seeing Version 5.0 of the IEQp1 form for LEED-EB: O&M appear in some of my projects. I’m also seeing new requirements appear in this form, that weren’t included in previous versions, nor the reference guide, nor the rating system. Mainly, “The project meets Sections 4 through 7 of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007…”. This new technical requirement (which was not included in the balloted LEED v3/2009 rating system) requires projects to comply with additional minimum standards for OA intake location and design, ductwork and cooling coil fabrication and installation, and even building envelope construction as listed in Section 5 of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007. If current configurations do not comply with all of Section 5, this check box cannot be marked complete by project teams, and the prerequisite will not show compliance. When was this new requirement added to the v3/2009 rating system? Can it be deleted from the form for EB projects?

I have attempted to find the date of when the version 5.0 form was rolled out for LOv3, but the LEED Online v4 Form Fix Log has not been updated since late 2011, when version 4.0 forms were deployed. Does anyone know when the v05 form version was deployed?

I also searched LEED Addenda and have not found any evidence that the reference guide was amended to include this requirement. After calling the GBCI, customer service was not able to address these concerns.

Notably, the rating system for v3/2009 did NOT include this technical requirement for mechanically ventilated systems. [However, I see that the v4 rating system out for ballot in June 2013 DOES include this requirement. I have the same concern for the LEEDv4, in that existing buildings may not be able to comply with all requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 Sections 4 through 7, but that’s a separate issue.]

As we have seen, the requirements for this prerequisite are interpreted inconsistently for existing buildings, likely because ASHRAE developed Standard 62.1 as requirements for application in the design process of new buildings and the lack of precision in calculations is acknowledged in the Standard and accompanying User’s Manual. While the methodology can be applied to existing buildings, there are requirements that are reasonable for new buildings, but are unreasonable for existing buildings. Evaluating the indoor air quality in existing buildings requires skilled judgment that should be based on ASHRAE Standard 62.1, but not solely restricted to the limitations of the language in the published standard. Project teams should be able to draw upon occupant comfort feedback, engineering judgment and the many variables that affect indoor air quality including system design, operational practices and facility condition.

As LEED Reviewers are increasing their demands for all aspects of this prerequisite, how will the USGBC, GBCI and LEED Reviewers be applying these new requirements to projects?

If Sections 4 through 7 have been added, why not also include the guidance provided under Section 8 for airflow verification? This would limit OA flow measurements and verification to air handlers supplying more than 2,000 cfm.

I acknowledge I’m approaching this from the perspective of a worst case scenario, but the requirements for this prerequisite CANNOT be a moving target for LEED-EB: O&M certification, as they have been over the past four years.