In the EAp2 and EAc1.4 for LEED CI v2009, you established that projects may include only new equipment and appliances purchased for the LEED-CI scope of work in the list for Energy Star rated equipment, according with the April 2010 LEED addenda from USGBC.
Is that statement also valid for LEED Retail-CI v2009?
Geraldine Assmus
Sustentator4 thumbs up
June 25, 2015 - 11:06 am
I want to know the answer to this too! In other Retail-CI projects we only mentioned the NEW appliances, and it was not objected by the reviewer, but I want to be certain I wasn't just lucky!
Geraldine Assmus
Sustentator4 thumbs up
June 25, 2015 - 11:22 am
This might help: When LEED 2009 was released in June 2009, the LEED Reference Guide described this credit as referring to all equipment used on the project, whether new or existing. However, as clarified in the April 2010 LEED addenda from USGBC, the credit is only applicable to equipment installed or purchased new for the scope of work covered by the LEED-CI project. This clarification, which also applies to EAp2 means that project teams have neither an incentive or a disincentive to replace older equipment. Teams may choose to purchase newer, more efficient equipment, or preserve older equipment that still has useful life.