Hi, we have a museum project with general exhibition areas: are there specific values for "Reverberation time requirements", as there are not similar room type in the table 2 of reference guide?
Forum discussion
NC-v4 EQc9: Acoustic performance
Hi, we have a museum project with general exhibition areas: are there specific values for "Reverberation time requirements", as there are not similar room type in the table 2 of reference guide?
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Ken Shook
PartnerLongman Lindsey
LEEDuser Expert
5 thumbs up
February 15, 2018 - 5:42 pm
Your space likely falls under something similar to the 'Performing Arts Space' example on Table 2, where the criteria of the space "varies by application". To ascertain the exact reverberation time for your space we recommend hiring an acoustic expert or consultant.