We have some rooms in our buildings that were originally intended to be office spaces, but due to downsizing or new tenant configurations tenants have made them (very) small conference rooms by throwing in two chairs and small round table. I have two questions regarding these small multi-occupant spaces.

1. You mention in your "bird's eye view" and Checklists sections that multi-occupant spaces should have at least two switches, however, in the reference guide (pg 399, under calculations) it states that "no specific types or numbers of controls are required." I understand that one switch may not be the flexible in large conference rooms, but these smaller conference rooms, one lighting switch appears to very flexible and it appears LEED does not have an actual standard, so they should comply with the credit?

2. At any moment one of our tenants could decide to turn these spaces back into an office, their intended use. Therefore complying the credit. Do we even need to count these as actual conference rooms?

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you!