For the BD+C Building product disclosure and optimization MR credits (MRc2, MRcr3, MRcr4), can someone please clarify:
1.) Between the three credits, are there 6 or 7 points available?
2.) Can the same material be used to satisfy the requirements for more than one of the 6 or 7 points? (If not, it is mathematically virtually impossible to achieve all 6 or 7 points.)
3.) In MRcr2, Option 1, 80 "products" can equal 20 "products", why is the same metric used to describe two different things? This is confusing.
We have been reaching out to members of the LEED practitioner community to get their thoughts on these credits. The consensus is that the way the credits are written is OVERWHELMINGLY too complex. It is in everybody's interest (clients, practitioners, LEED Online designers, GBCI reviewers) for the language of these credits to be rethought and simplified down to about 50%-75% of the original credit length.
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