First - PLEASE bring back some kind of number system like MR4, MR5, whatever...these credit names are too difficult to remember and differentiate.
Case in point, under Option 2 of the Environmentally Perferable Structure and Enclosure credit there are options for "Structure and Enclosure Product Attributes" including "recycled content". However if you read the text under "recycled content" is specifically states to use "non-structural materials with recycled content". I'll assume this is a typo or it will effectively eliminate recycled content materials from being used in the structural and enclosure assemblies in lieu of materials with other attributes.
Peggy White
White + GreenSpec88 thumbs up
September 14, 2011 - 10:51 am
Good point - I was wondering if they intend to attach numbers once the dust settles from the review period. As an Architectural specification writer, I've always incorporated both the Credit number AND the Credit name in my specifications when referencing Credits. Remembering only the numbers is just as challenging as remembering only the names, especially for the folks in the field trying to build our projects, who may not be as dialed in to all things LEED.
Nadav Malin
CEOBuildingGreen, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
844 thumbs up
September 14, 2011 - 10:26 pm
I suspect that the "non-structural" qualifier IS a typo--it was probably copied carelessly from the Non-structural materials credit.
Keith Lindemulder
Environmental Business Development- LEED AP BD&CNucor Corporation
193 thumbs up
September 15, 2011 - 3:35 pm
I'd like to agree that it is a typo Nadav and generally would think the same however if you look at the MR Credit - Environmentally Preferable Non-Structural Products and Materials - Perscriptive Attributes (whew....MR 5."whatever" would be a LOT easier....) you'll notice that Bio-Based materials are specifically designated as "Structure and Enclosure" and NOT Non-Structural. Certainly could be two typo's from careless copy/paste but they're not the same. (Incidently the same "typo" appears in the ID&C version too!)
Certainly typos can occur and be rectified but this IS a public comment draft in which the language matters (in both cases). I sincerely hope the plan includes a third public comment period so the comments can better focus on the intent and mechanics rather than spelling and semantics!