does anyone know, whether energy data used for the Energy Star Portfolio Manager rating have to be based on monthly summaries or if they can also be submitted as quaterly or annual summaries.
We know from the Energy Star Portfolio Manager that there is no longer the 65 day limit on entering energy meters to generate an Energy Star rating. But does the GBCI also accept energy data summarised quaterly? The Reference Guide only states that "a full 12 months of continiuous measured energy data is required". But the LEED Submittal Tips talk about "monthly energy use summaries" which confuses us.
Has anyone experience with this issue, found a clarification or has handed in quaterly or annual energy use summaries?
Thank you very much
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Hannah Bronfman
Senior Associate99 thumbs up
November 7, 2013 - 3:58 pm
Hi Julia
The energy data used for Energy Star Portfolio Manager does not need to be based on monthly summaries and in fact should be based on the actual usage dates - this is extremely important so that your score is normalized based on climate data.
One example that I would use to confirm this approach is that we have many projects that have emergency back-up generators. However, these systems only use energy in one-time events, so we only enter use during these times. And this has historically worked.
Let me know how else I can help