We are modeling and commissioning a dormitory building where 4 pipe vertical fan coils have been installed. The chilled water coils are piped and the cooling valves interfaced into the BAS, but a central chiller plant for the campus is not yet installed. It will be a year of two before the chiller plant is operational.
From our understanding of 90.1, we have to model air-conditioning in both the baseline and proposed even if it is not installed.
90.1 requires the baseline to be modeled with PTAC units and hot water heating coils. We are modeling the proposed with hot water and chilled water coils.
Will the GBCI accept a proposed model using chillers instead of DX cooling even though the chillers are not part of this project? I would use the efficiencies specified for the future chiller plant.
Thank you.
David Hubka
Director of OperationsTranswestern Sustainability Services
527 thumbs up
February 24, 2011 - 7:22 am
Hello Thomas.
You mentioned the Chillers are not part of this project. If that is the case I doubt the LEED reviewer will allow you to model the chiller without some explaining on your part.
A similar scenario is SS Credit #4.1, Alternative Transportation - Public Transportation Access. This credit rewards project teams for locating their building near public transportation. A credit can be achieved for future public transporation access as long as it is "sited, planned and funded". (see page #43 of the reference guide)
If you can make the case that your chiller is sited, planned and funded the LEED reviewer may allow you to model it in the proposed.