What is the exact definition of MIXED WASTE that mentioned in the table of volume/ weight conversion table for 2009 version?
Noting that if we took the average numbers of all numbers of all materials listed other than MIXED WASTE, it will be double of MIXED WASTE itself.
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March 21, 2017 - 10:15 am
Ibrahim - There is not a definition for "mixed waste" in the LEED 2009 or v4 Reference Guides. I've always considered this to be solid waste from a construction site that has not been source separated (a mixture of construction and demolition debris). In addition, the LEED 2009 definition for Construction and Demolition Debris, which "includes waste and recyclables generated from construction and from the renovation, demolition, or deconstruction of preexisting structures." would be a good basic definition too.
(I tried following the link in footnote #4 (http://www.epa.gov/osw/nonhaz/municipal/pubs/msw07-rpt.pdf that is now located at https://archive.epa.gov/epawaste/nonhaz/municipal/web/pdf/msw07-rpt.pdf) for the Materials and Resources overview section of the 2009 Reference Guide that references mixed waste but there is no definition of mixed waste there. This report is based on the EPA's study of municipal solid waste from 1960-2007. It does say on page 147: "Mixed waste processing facilities receive mixed solid waste (including recyclable and non-recyclable materials), which is then loaded on conveyors. Using both mechanical and manual (high and low technology) sorting, recyclable materials are removed for further processing.")
I can't speak to the differences in weights but will say that rubble's weight could skew the averages.