Dear all,
We've got a Hotel building that is designed acc. to local Standards (not ASHRAE 62.1). The guest rooms are mechanically ventilated and have also operable Windows. The Problem is, that neither the OA rate is enough to fulfill the requirments of ASHRAE 62.1, nor the Windows are large enough (smaller than 4% of the floor area).
The Ventilation System design Intention is to provide a base IAQ through the mechanical ventiation with the Option for the guests to open the Windows additionaly.
I am unsure how to show compliance in this case. My first thought would be to separate the room into 1 the part near the window and Label it as naturally ventilated an 2 the part away from the window and Label it as mechanically ventilated.
Has anybody experience with this? What are your general thoughts? Do you think I can avoid an official request to the GBCI?
Thank you,Johannes
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Andrew Mitchell, P.E.
PrincipalMitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
October 24, 2013 - 7:55 am
Johannes, there is no easy answer for your question. Unfortunately ASHRAE 62.1-2007 does not address hybrid ventilation. ASHRAE Fundamentals 2013 does provide a brief paragraph in Ch.16 about this but it does not offer any guidance except to follow IEA Report Annex 35. You can find that in the link below. If you are going to try to achieve this prerequisite using hybrid ventilation then I would recommend that you reference ASHRAE Fundamentals and the IEA Report in your alternative approach.
Sorry that I could not offer much help but ASHRAE 62 is pretty black or white on this. Either you meet one condition or the other. That being said, if you have a living area and sleeping area that are divided somehow, you could mechanically ventilate one and naturally ventilate the other.
Johannes Gellrich
23 thumbs up
January 14, 2014 - 11:17 am
Just a short Update: We received a CIR confirmation from USGBC, that we can proceed with the virtual separation of the rooms as I described them above.
Andrew Mitchell, P.E.
PrincipalMitchell Gulledge Engineering, Inc.
LEEDuser Expert
126 thumbs up
January 14, 2014 - 1:01 pm
That's great. I am glad that they allowed it.
Ruben Porter
April 11, 2017 - 11:21 am
Can anyone tell me the CIR # for this? Thanks.