When I go to the current version of the pilot credit form at http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=10106 there is no actual Material Source Disclosure language within the credit itself. However, the narrative after indicates that you probably need to get suppliers to interact with GRI? The language on the form also does not match the language on this page.
Also, the form now includes the language: "Materials meeting applicable criteria below plus extracted and manufactured do-mestically are valued at 1.5 times the material cost, or regionally (within the state, province, or territory) at twice the material cost. Products and materials extracted and manufactured locally (within 50 miles or 80 km), are valued at three times the material cost. If project is located in the United States or Canada, products and materials meeting local criteria automatically qualify for this credit."
Does this mean that there are no reporting or public disclosure requirements on the manufacturer in the U.S. and Canada? If it does not, what is the intent of that last sentence?
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