We have a project which qualifies for CS and can be treated as a single building. It is comprised of near 214,180 ft² that will be completely renovated (HVAC and other systems, except the building envelope) and near 83,060 ft² of a new tower. Minimum thresholds for EAp2 compliance under version 3 (2009) is 5% for for existing building renovations and 10% for new buildings. According to version 2.2, cost target savings for projects with new buildings and existing building renovations were calculated based on the target savings for each one and their respective areas, i.e.: target = (exisiting area/ total area) x 7% + (new area/ total area) x 14%. Hence, in the case of this project:
1) is the minimum threshold for EAp2 10% or can it be calculated as before, according to version 2.2, i.e. target = (exisiting area/ total area) x 5% + (new area/ total area) x 10%?
2) More than 50% of its gross area will be leasable. In case the methodology explained for minimum thresholds under version 2.2 can be adopted for version 2009, can it be used for CS?