
I am currently modeling a building which is aiming to achieve EQ credit for increased ventilation. How should I model baseline minimum fresh air rates in this case? As in proposed (62.1-2010 + 30%), or the minimum OA rates by 62.1? 

By reading G3.1.2.6 exception c: "If the minimum outdoor air intake flow in the proposed design is provided in excess of the amount required by the rating authority or building official, then the baseline building design shall be modeled to reflect the greater of that required by the rating authority or building official and will be less than the proposed design.”, it seems that the proposed is 62.1+30% and the baseline with the minimum required by code.

Does this exception applies when we are attempting EQ credit Enhanced IAQ strategies – increased ventilation? I ask this because by having different OA intake flows in proposed/baseline (according to exception c) in order to attempt the increased ventilation credit, the proposed design is being penalized at the whole-building energy simulation level, which in my opinion is contradictory.

Thank you all in advance.