Hi all,

We have an unoccupied building (sub station) that has corridors, toilet etc for very occasional maintenance occupancy. 

The makeup air unit/DOAS system provides enough OA to meet the minimum requirements for the 62.1 pre-requisite when in operation.  But it also provides makeup air for process within the building so the size is much larger than min OA.  

The unit is designed to only come on when there is a call for makeup air (E.g the process exhaust fans come on) or temperature in the spaces alls out of range. This is how we have it currently modeled and the proposed/baseline have no "min OA" as there are times the propsoed has no OA being deleivered to the building.

Will this be sufficient to explain to the reviewer why the energy model has no minimum OA even if the pre-req shows the system is designed to be able to provide as if an occupied space? Another approach could be to say "occupied hours" are say for 1 hour a month and bring the DOAS/MAU on for that 1 hour and set the baseline min OA's for that 1 hour aswell.  

