I've received a reviewer's feedback stating that "the required back-check Design review occurred after the date for beginning of construction...Provide a narrative explaining the sequence and schedule for the implemented Cx services, along with supporting documentation verifying that the required back-check by the CxA of the Cx review comments occurred in the subsequent design submission and prior to the completion of construction documents ".
At the same time LEED reference guide states that the back-check design review must be conducted before mid-construction documents. My understanding is that the "mid-construction documents" are developed during construction, after completing the concrete skeleton and before starting with systems and interior works, which are assigned to a different contractor in my case, additionally; the mid construction is during construction (by definition) and not before it, so how can I conduct mid construction review before it? Anyone has more explanation to that, or can provide guidance on replying to USGBC, that would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance...
Scott Bowman
LEED FellowIntegrated Design + Energy Advisors, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
520 thumbs up
April 23, 2018 - 5:31 pm
Construction Documents is a term used for the final design drawings that are used by the Contractors to build the building. This is typically just before bidding in a traditional Design-Bid-Build project delivery but can have a different timing in other methods. For example, a Not-to-Exceed negotiated contract might very well start construction before completion of the Construction Documents, but there is typically still a date that Construction Documents are deemed or specified as complete.
It sounds like you have a different mode of delivery, so you need to explain how you have complied with the intent of the credit. This is not unusual when the delivery method is negotiated in some manner, or where packages are finalized at different points in a project, or in international projects that are somewhat different then what is used in North America.
Without knowing more about your particular delivery method, it is difficult for me to give you better guidance, sorry.