Hi there, we are a fabricator and installer of architectural metal wall panel systems and I was looking for some insight into VOC levels and air and vapour membrane adhesive. We typically use a standard Blueskin or Soprema primer prior to membrane installation as we find the low voc products don’t perform as well as the standard version (drying time is longer etc..). The standard primers have a VOC content of 450-500 g/l compared to their low VOC counterparts of 240-250 g/l.
I have up until recently been classifying this product under Architectural Sealant Primer – Porous (max VOC content of 750 g/l) so there has been no issue with having this product approved. However, we may be using the incorrect category. We are now working on our first LEED V4 Healthcare certified project and have been running into some VOC compliance issues (due to the exterior applied product requirements). I was hoping someone may have additional insight into what SCAQMD 1168 category & CARB 2007 membrane primer should be classified under? I appreciate any insight!
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