Is it a compulsory to design mechanical ventilation by using local code even if ASHRAE Standard is more stringent in order to score IEQ Credit 2: Increased Ventilation?
I got a problem to score IEQ c2 because of this. Although in IEQ p1 it showed that i have complied with IEQ c2 for all mechanical ventilation AHUs (by complete and uploaded AHSRAE Calculator 62MZ), but when i want to complete IEQ C2 form, it showed the opposite result.
23 thumbs up
January 21, 2015 - 7:41 am
The forms are in the same version?
We had a similar problem and realized the IEQp1 was a version 4, while IEc2 was version 5.
January 21, 2015 - 9:10 am
Yes. Both forms are in the same version.
I never face this problem before. So what have you done to overcome the problem?
Julia Weatherby
PresidentWeatherby Design & Co. Engineers
94 thumbs up
January 21, 2015 - 9:29 am
I haven't submitted for IEQc2 recently, but you should be able to base IEQc2 calculations on ASHRAE 62. I don't believe you will be required to show 30% greater than local code as long as you can show 30% greater than ASHRAE 62.
If there is something in the template that seems to be calculating improperly, you can try submitting an explanation under the Special Circumstances section.
23 thumbs up
January 21, 2015 - 1:25 pm
We asked for an update of IEQp1 form to version 5.
January 21, 2015 - 9:37 pm
Hi Julia
Last time i didn't showed the calculation for 30% of local code requirement. I just showed the calculation from 62MZ and had complied everything. Now, it didn't appeared the same result as my last project even in the same form version. However, will try to submit an explanation under Special Circumstances section.
Thanks Julia and CT G