There are two separate columns in New Construction and Demolition Waste Management Calculator in .xls format: ‘Material Description’ and ‘Material Type’. I assume, that in ‘Material Type’ column I should put materials such as paper and cartoon packages, timber, plastic packages, glass etc. Since this kind of information seems to be comprehensive when it comes to materials description, I have no idea what kind of additional information I should put in “Material Description” column. I would be really grateful four helpful answer.
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October 26, 2017 - 10:28 am
Agata - My apologies in not getting back to you sooner. Many of the answers for MRc5's forum were lost in the new LEEDuser launch last month and I was waiting for them to be restored. Please see #1 in my response back to Jenelle ( in the Filling out the C&D waste Calculator discussion. I think this should help you with your question here.