Some time ago I recall seeing information stating that in the MR Credits for manufactured products such as furniture users were directed to use the cost the customer paid for the product as opposed to trying to separate materials from the actual cost of manufacturing the product.

For some reason I am now unable to get my hands on that guidance and searching the LEED web sites has proved fruitless. The materials and resources excel template kind of get there by saying that you enter the "cost per item times the number of items", but I recall seeing something more definitive than that.

I'm trying to respond to request for product information where we are being told that it is OK to exclude the veneer from an FSC calculation as long as 70% by weight or volume of product is FSC (I don't believe this to be true) or in the alternative we are being asked to back out the cost of adhesives, cost of stains, taxes, transportation, etc., for manufacturing the product in an effort to lower the cost so that the non FSC costs will be less.

Would someone be able to help me out in locating the language that talks about using the purchase price for manufactured products?