A Contradiction? (my project is under LEED NC 2009)
The LEED 2009 ref. guide is unclear with the inclusions for Div. 31, and 32. Are base, subbase, subgrade preparations; stone, aggregate and topsoil included in the material costs for Divisions 32 1000 and 32 3000-Asphalt/Concrete Paving and Plantings/Turf? Or do material costs only include asphalt/concrete mixes, associated Joint sealants, asphalt paints, and turf seed, fertilizers? It merely states. "include these Divisions (also 31 6000) in material costs".
The incongruity: our Specification for Asphalt/concrete paving calls "Earth Moving" for subgrade preparation a related requirement under Div. 31 2000 (not an included Div. as stated in Ref. guide) Conversely, the CSI classifications group Bases-base courses within Div. 32 1000 (an included Div. for const. materials)
If helpful, CSI classifications available here:
Can anyone offer insight or direction? Thank you
Jon Clifford
LEEDuser Expert
327 thumbs up
August 8, 2016 - 12:21 pm
Matt—You appear to be describing a common specifying practice. Your Spec writer appears to have specified soil and fill materials for various applications under Materials (Part 2) in Section 31.20.00 Earth Moving, while specifying specialized requirements for the installation (labor) of some of those materials under Execution (Part 3) in 32.10.00 Paving and 32.90.00 Planting. Part 1 of each of these Sections appears to have included a cross-reference to 31.20.00 in the Article entitled “Related Requirements.”
As recommended in the discussion immediately above this one, follow the specifier’s lead and base your materials tallies upon where he or she specified the material. If Part 2 of 32.10.00 or 32.90.00 includes additional, special requirements for soils or fills related to paving and planting, it may be appropriate to include these materials.
In any case, coordinate with the project’s LEED administrator to be sure of the intent.
Matthew Martin
Assistant Site SuperintendentQBS, Inc.
3 thumbs up
August 8, 2016 - 5:24 pm
I see. So there is coherency and order to the specs! To identify the materials included in the division, locating Part 2; Products is very helpful and essential. It will define what is included for the division. In Part 2; Products, one should be prudent not to confuse actual asphalt or concrete components listed with, as you explained, Jon, potential special soils or fills related to paving and planting.
In this case, for this project, the Part 2; Products does not include any special requirements for aggregate fills or soils. It only includes products associated with the actual concrete or asphalt components, like cementitious material, potable water, and aggregate.
Thank you for the explanation.