Hello all. I have spent most of this week trying to complete research from the review comments. I have some questions, but also feedback for all of you.
1. Philips is no longer publishing their LEED data for any lamps. The best I've been able to do is establish contact with ONE person at corporate who knows where to find the information per the LEED specified requirements (for lumens and hours). The catalogues are incorrect, the spec sheets don't have the information, and the other customer service people provide the wrong numbers. Three other reviewers have accepted this completed spreadsheet, but LEED Review Team C doesn't like the copy of the e-mail and the spreadsheet as sufficient documentation.
2. GE does not have 11-hour testing procedures for their metal halide lamps, and therefore, they do not meet the documentation requirement. What is to be done there? This also means that their picogram per lumen/hour spreadsheet on their website is inaccurate (and only provides the picogram information, not the full mg, lumens, and hours we need).
3. Sylvania's online calculator doesn't work for metal halide lamps either. A request has to be sent for the data, and again will come in the form of an e-mail.
Any advice here?
Alexa Stone
ecoPreserve: Building Sustainability134 thumbs up
December 27, 2012 - 10:31 am
I found the Philips specs sheet which contains mercury picogram info for T8s (let me know if you need it), but having trouble finding same from GE. The mercury number they provided made no sense as compared to the number provided by Philips which brings me to your number 2 above, perhaps GE is providng the picogram info not the mg per lumen hour we need. Hmmm. We can we assume GE is unaware of this need. I am going to try to find a contact at GE and will let you know. Please do the same.
John Casana
Senior Lead EngineerBooz Allen Hamilton
1 thumbs up
March 5, 2013 - 12:21 pm
I am also having difficulty locating the following MRc4 data for Phillips bulbs: mean lumens; and, three-hour instant start rated life for: pl-t[2] and PLT 32W 835 4P 1CT. The product data sheet for pl-t[2] lists the initial lumens value for the bulb but not the mean lumens value. The product data sheets for pl-t[2] and PLT 32W 835 4P 1CT indicate various rated life values, but not “3-hour instant start rated life value”. I submitted a request to Phillips technical support and am awaiting a reply. Can you offer any guidance?
Susan Walter
HDRLEEDuser Expert
1296 thumbs up
May 15, 2013 - 3:48 pm
I documented this as an ID credit for a NCv3 project recently (first time for me to use this EB+OM credit), the GE website now has information specifically for this credit. It made things very, very easy. We did not have HID lamps like the OP did and I can not speak to that experience.