Hi - we've received a comment on our water use calculations about changing the % of male occupants using restrooms with urinals because the project also includes several single occupant all-gender restrooms. " The percent of males expected to use restrooms with urinals in the Indoor Water Use Calculator is listed as 100% and has not been adjusted to reflect the male occupants’ use of the unisex restrooms without urinals that are shown on the floor plans in PI Project Information."
The all-gender restrooms are not instead of gendered ones, but supplement them to add more inclusive options for occupants. Anyone have experience with how GBCI would expect us to make the determination of how many males would use the restrooms without urinals, or do we just need to explain the above?
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
477 thumbs up
November 10, 2023 - 2:51 pm
Hey Yarden!
We've seen this comment many times. Essentially, if you have any restrooms in your project that are separate from the standard group women's restroom, and those restrooms do not have urinals as an option, then the % towards the top of the form for males using those restrooms must be less than 100%. That field auto-adjusts the calcs and more accurately represents the instances when someone having male genetalia does not have access to a urinal, but instead uses the toilet, which uses more water.
The % there can vary based on how many of these restrooms your project has. If all gender-neutral, and none have urinals, then that % would be 0. If there are only a few GN restrooms, and the majority of occupants will use the standard group restrooms, then that percentage will be much closer to the 100%.
In my projects where this was the case, our estimates are usually in the 85-100% range, depending on location, access, and anticipated frequency of people choosing to use those GN facilities.
We always provide a little narrative - usually only a few sentences - explaining our logic behind the % chosen, and have not had any further issues with the calcs.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
477 thumbs up
November 10, 2023 - 2:54 pm
One other note, if your GN restrooms DO have urinals and toilets, then that % can remain 100%, though you may still want to point this aspect out to the reviewers to avoid their standard review comment, in case they do not see in the drawings that a urinal is in place in all of these spaces.
8 thumbs up
November 13, 2023 - 12:58 am
We've gotten the same sentence last time.
We went by what it written in the calculator and it turned out OK:
"To determine the percent of males expected to use restrooms with urinals, check the project floor plans to determine whether urinals are present in all male restrooms and in all gender-neutral/ADA restrooms. Enter 100% if all male and gender-neutral/ADA restrooms have urinals. Enter 0% if the project contains no urinals.
If the project includes separate all-gender/ADA restrooms without urinals, enter the default value of 95%, or a project-specific estimate based on the project's restroom layout and anticipated usage patterns or weighted fixture counts."
Yarden Harari
CallisonRTKL Inc.2 thumbs up
November 13, 2023 - 10:01 am
Oh perfect, thank you both! Azra, looks like I had an older version of the calculator and didn't see that note previously - very helpful