
I'm currently working on my first Energy Model for a dining hall/domitory on a college campus. Currently I'm having a dillema on if I need to model the Make Up Air Unit as a process load or seperate system. From my understanding if it provides any cooling/heating into the space then it need to be modeled otherwise it can be classified. In my case I believe I do need to model the MUA system since it has it owns cooling/heating coils as well as duct system that's serving multiple kitchen areas. A few questions I had regarding this is as follows:

1. How I would I classify a make up air unit in the basline case If I do need to model it? I was reading up on 90.1 with baselin system classificaiton and was unclear on what system I should to classify it as.

2. Does anyone have good resources or tips on how to model a make up air unit in Trace 700 in respects to energy modeling and adhering to what previous LEED reviewer comments wanted. I've seen some video and comments about making dummy room with transfer air to simulate what's occuring, but I'm worried about the effect it has on the report given to LEED.