We are in the conceptual design phase of a project consisting of renovations to an existing building and a significant addition. The current area breakdown is below:
No Change: 19,237 ft2
Light Reno: 11,713 ft2
Heavy Reno: 11,616 ft2
New Construction: 25,525 ft2
Total: 68,091 ft2
I am trying estimate potential achievable points for the EA Optimize Energy Performance Credit under LEEDv4. Table 1 of this credit shows achievable points will differ for the same % improvement number depending on whether the project is classified as new construction or major renovation. Using the areas listed above and applying the "Choosing Between Rating Systems" section (which I'm not sure is intended for this application) puts us at 60% existing/renovation vs. 40% new. Does that mean we are a major renovation?
Separately, in EA Min Energy Performance Prereq., I see Equation 1 which pro-rates existing and new areas to quantify a single % improvement number for the whole project. But my question is still should this percent improvement number be compared to the major renovation or new construction column of Table 1 in the Optimize credit? Or to an area-weighted average between the two columns?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
April 9, 2015 - 7:08 pm
You will end up with a weighted average between the two.