Our project is an in-patient, substance-abuse treatment center, located in a building which also houses an emergency detox facility. The CI project occupies less than 75% of the building, therefore we are under SSc3.3 Case 1.

The project building is undergoing renovation at the same time as the CI tenant project, and as part of that renovation, the on-site parking is being reduced substantially (from 24 to 11 spaces; of those 11, 2 or 3 will be reserved for the detox facility's 'fleet' vans and police vehicles). However, the project is located in a zone with no minimum parking requirements, so we are in excess of zoning minimums.

Would we have to not exceed the city's 'no required minimum' (i.e. provide zero spaces) in order to comply with Case 1 Option 1?

Does anyone have any experience with alternative compliance paths in a situation like this, perhaps either by referencing the NC 'Option 4' (25% less than ITE study) or arguing that the significant reduction in spaces ought to qualify? (Using the ITE route would be complicated in any case, as neither of the land use types for the two uses are explicitly included in the ITE study.)