
I am trying to model the lighting power for a core and shell office building, the lighting is designed for the core spaces such as main lobby, restrooms and BOH, but the tenant spaces are not. I am thinking of the below approaches to model the lighting power in the energy model:

Building Area Method: in the proposed building calculate the total designed lighting power and use 0.9 W/sf (from Table 9.5.1) for the tenant spaces, then added them together and divided by the total building area which resulted in 0.88 W/sf. For baseline building I used 0.9 W/sf

Space-By-Space method: in the proposed building I used the actual power for designed spaces and 0.9 W/sf for tenant spaces to meet the requirement of Table G3.1.6 (proposed)(c), "where lighting neither exists nor is specified, lighting power shall be determined in accordance with the Building Area Method for the appropriate building type”. For baseline building I used Table 9.6.1 to get the power for designed spaces and 0.9 W/sf for tenant spaces.

Are these approaches seem reasonable for each method?

Thank you,