1. One of our project have around 1000 m2 landscaping area. In which they are using 20 numbers of 10W bollard external lighting in only 400m2 area. The remaining 600 m2 area does not have any lighting. In this time which calculation is correct?

Option 1:
Proposed case Lighting Power : 20 X 10= 200 watts
Baseline cawe LPD : 1000 X 0.2 w/sq.ft = 200 watts
Option 2:
Proposed case Lighting Power : 20 X 10= 200 watts
Baseline cawe LPD : 400 X 0.2 w/sq.ft = 80 watts

The question is should we take the whole area or only proposed lighting area for baseline calculation?

2. The same way could you please tell me if we are using the facade lighting, should we consider facade area in the baseline as same as the area covered by proposed lighting or the whole facade area of the building.