Dear all,

I was checking Table 9.5.1 of ASHRAE 90.1-2007 (Lighting Power Densities Using the Building Area Method), and there is a footnote saying "In cases where both a general building area type and a specific building area type are listed, the specific building area type shall apply."

I am modeling an elementary school. This school includes a gymnasium, library, offices, workshops, garage, and a performing arts theater. All these 6 zones are listed in Table 9.5.1.

When modeling the baseline case, shall I assume a lighting power density (LPD) of 13W/m2 (the value for schools/university), or shall I use the values listed in this table for each category of zones? If I use the second option, then I will ONLY be using the "schools/university" entry of table 9.5.1 for the classrooms, since the offices, gym, libraries,...etc have their own LPD.

This will imply that the Building Area Method is very close to the Space-by-space method!

Many thanks!